The Bumper Book of Health & Care Workforce Planning
By Colin Lewry, Amina Jina and Fiona Lord.
This book contains approaches, models and tips on Workforce Planning in the modern health and care sector, including: -
A guide to workforce and system redesign
The steps to develop a workforce strategy
What a System Workforce Hub could look like
Developing front-line manager skills in workforce planning
This book is for any manager in health or care who wants to develop their workforce planning skills - for Primary Care Network and Practice Managers, for Community and Social Care Team Leaders, for Operations Directors, Divisional Managers, Directorate Managers, Ward Managers, HR Teams, Primary Care training hubs and ICS and ICP Workforce Leads. It is for anyone who runs a team or needs to plan health and care workforce at system, organisational or team level.

“…I know that is book is based on real world experience. I hope that the approaches set out here, will give you the appetite, the confidence, the attitude to approach workforce planning and redesign with structure and gusto.”
— Kirstie Baxter (Head of Workforce Transformation at Health Education England)